In light of Dan Andrew’s announcement that Melbourne is heading into a stage four lockdown, we thought it might be helpful to provide a straightforward guide on the facts about hiring a plumber should you need one.
Long-story-short, you can still call a plumber for emergency-related plumbing in Melbourne. If an urgent plumbing issue has come up for you, then it’s within your right to call a plumber to fix the issue.
If you would like more information, below we’ve outlined the type of work that’s permitted throughout the stage four lockdown and discussed what you should be expecting from your plumber in terms of COVID safe practises.
Plumbing jobs that are permitted throughout Melbourne’s stage four lockdown.
As we said, all emergency-related plumbing is allowed to be tended to. This means plumbing issues like blocked drains, severe roof-leaks, sewage issues, hot-water and gas-related issues, blocked toilets (important with everyone home…) and any other plumbing issue that’s causing damage to your home or is a potential hazard to anyone in the house.
Unfortunately now isn’t the time to bring your dream bathroom to life, or kick-off any cosmetic related plumbing projects. If your plumbing issue is urgent, then it’s okay to call in a plumber to your home.
What you should expect from your plumber in terms of COVID safety.
Should you need to call a plumber during Melbourne’s stage four lockdown, this is what you should be expecting as a minimum from your plumber. Don’t be shy to ask if they are COVID safe, and quiz them on their practices. Safety should always come before your dollar.
Firstly, your plumber should be 100% symptom-free. This is an absolute must. Asking your plumber if they have any of the key COVID symptoms is well within your right. If they have any symptoms, they shouldn’t be working - that’s our policy here at Kovele Plumbing and we expect the same in return of the clients we work with.
Secondly, thorough sanitisation of equipment used, and the workspace in your home is mandatory. After every job, a plumber should thoroughly clean their equipment, and be leaving the designated workspace completely sanitised.
Thirdly, proper PPE and a mask are a given!
Lastly, common-sense between you and you plumber should prevail. Every home and every plumbing issue is different, but between the both of you, taking into account social distancing requirements and minimising close contact at all costs is vital. Keep a distance, do as much planning over the phone as possible, and keep safe.
How you can help your plumber in the stage four lockdown.
Lastly, it’s on you to be transparent about any close contacts you may have had with a COVID positive person, or any symptoms you might have shown in the last two weeks. Plumbers themselves are trying to keeping their own families safe too. We’re here to help you throughout this stage four lockdown, and simple transparency is all we need in a time like this.
Do you need a plumber for an urgent issue right now?
If you need a plumber in Melbourne throughout the stage four lockdown, then the team here at Kovele Plumbing
are here to help. We’re diligent with our COVID safe practises, work quickly, and will provide you with a fair transparent quote over the phone.
From the Kovele Plumbing team, we hope you all keep safe and let’s look out for each other.
Steve Kovac - Director at Kovele Plumbing.